Better times to come

#MeToo will take time to achieve goals

Actress Cate Blanchett, jury president for the 71st Cannes Film Festival, touched upon the conversation about women in Hollywood, saying it will take some time for change to ensue.

According to a report, "For profound lasting change to occur, it needs to take place through specific actions," Blanchett said at a press conference held at Cannes.

"It's addressing the gender gap and the racial diversity and the equality and the way we make our work. Of course that's going on in our industry. But you know, is it going to have a direct impact on the film in competition this year, six nine months on? Not specifically.

"There are several women in competition. They are not there because of their gender. They are there because of the quality of their work. We will assess them as filmmakers, as we should be," she added.