Beyoncé, Jay Z celebrate marriage in surprise album

Music’s most famous couple Beyoncé and Jay Z pulled a surprise by releasing a joint album, a long-rumoured collaboration that celebrates their marital passion and black identity. The pop diva and hip-hop superstar announced the album, Everything is Love, from the stage in London as they wrapped up the British leg that opened a global tour.

The album came out late Saturday exclusively on Jay Z’s fledgling Tidal streaming service and is not available on Spotify – a far larger platform, which Beyoncé addresses in the album.

The couple also put out an elaborately choreographed video that takes place inside the Louvre museum in Paris for one of the songs from the album.

The video opens with the couple standing regally in front of the Mona Lisa – Jay Z in a light green double-breasted suit and Beyoncé in a lavender pantsuit – and features a squad of scantily clad dancers moving sensually in front of Jacques Louis David’s The Coronation of Napoleon.