Twitter: Pin it for later


You'll be able to select which lists you can swipe between in the home screen and pin them to the top of your lists page for easier access, whether they're ones you've created or public lists made by others. A Twitter spokesperson confirmed to Engadget this is only a test for now, and a limited number of people will see it in the app for the time being. In any case, by bringing lists to Home, Twitter is aping the utility of apps like Tweetbot, which lets you set a list as your main feed.

Are Instagram engagement rates declining?

Instagram quickly became a brand-friendly social media platform and until something new comes along, it seems like it will be the hot spot where all businesses and social media personalities will flourish.

In late 2017, Instagram reported that were more than 25 million businesses active in the platform, up from 15 million only a few months earlier. Trust Insights analysed 1,430,995 posts from 3,637 brand profiles (stories were not included) in order to ascertain the overall average engagement rate. And it’s declining, considering the competition and the fact there is only so much internet content a user can consume per day. Something for digital marketers to worry about.