In a tame curly afro and an outlook that has rock star written all over it, is Vais Khan, lead guitarist of Kashmir the Band. Already a favourite with brands and fans, Vais has every ingredient it takes to make a star and the starlet is finding and channeling it in his young music career.

MAG sits down with Vais for a candid chat and he sure knows how to keep it interesting. Excerpts follow:


Career-defining moment?

That would be winning Battle of the Bands. That I think marked a new beginning and paved the way for us to get into the music industry.

Happiness is…

Where family is.

The key to success is…

Work hard, stay focused and have patience.

Hardest life lesson…

Losing my grandparents. I learnt not everything in this world is permanent.

Key life lesson…

Not everything in this life is free.

What inspires you?

Personally for me inspiration can come at anytime, it could be from a stroll in the park or hanging out with my friends and then channeling that energy into my music. There is no tried and tested formula.

You, in three words?

Honest, lazy, adaptable.

Advice to your younger self…

Get into a better university.

Greatest life achievement?

Would be if my band won the Grammy awards.

Greatest fear?

Being alone

Biggest joy?

Buying my first electric guitar (it was a Yamaha starter pack) which I bought after selling all my gaming consoles.

Something you still want to learn?

Pashto. I can’t speak my mother tongue.