• 12 May - 18 May, 2018
  • Salaar Laghari
  • Fiction

Linda immediately sent the video clip to her own cell phone via Bluetooth. She kept Justin’s phone on the table before he returned.

Gilbert stopped speaking and moved back to sit, while Linda made her way out of the room and saw Justin coming in.

Minutes later, Linda stood on another floor of the building and watched the video that she had copied from Justin’s cell phone. The video started with Justin using the front camera, while he fixed his phone somewhere inside his house to easily record the video. As soon as he fixed everything, he heard the door bell ring. The door could be seen in the video. Justin opened the gate to find his twin brother Jackson standing in front of him. Linda was surprised to see this in the video.

She saw that Justin asked Jackson to come inside. Jackson, on the other hand, came straight to the point and asked his brother what he’s been up to.

“My brother, what are you doing and why are you getting involved in such criminal activities?”

Justin did not reply and went to get his cell phone but Jackson stopped him holding his hand from the back.

“Answer me, Justin!” Jackson demanded.

“Look, I’m sorry but I have no other way to earn.”

“I’ll get you a job, I promise. But please leave this world of crime. You know what happened to Dad while he served these criminals.”

“I am not weak,” Justin replied. “I am stronger and smarter than all the other gang members I work with. No one can backstab me, the way Dad was backstabbed.”

Upset Jackson stopped for a moment and then said, “If cops are going to come and ask me about you, then I won’t keep my mouth shut. I will tell them where they can find the most wanted criminal, where he lives and how he can be caught.”

Justin walked towards the cell phone and stopped the video recorder.

The video ended. Linda was left amazed after seeing this.

Now where can I find Justin’s brother? She wondered.


Jackson was in his room, feeling really upset and a bit furious. Diane came to the room and before she could speak, their door bell rang twice. Jackson looked up and asked Diane to open the door. As she walked towards the door, Jackson shouted, “Stop!”

He then stood up and walked ahead of her saying, “I’ll see who it is.”

Jackson opened the door. It was Linda standing outside his house. Unaware of who the woman was, Jackson asked, “How may I help you?”

“You are Justin’s brother, aren’t you?” Linda enquired.

Jackson moved back and said, “Yes, I am.”

“May I come in please?” she asked.

This was when Diane asked Jackson, “Who is she?”

“I don’t know,” he replied.

“I am your brother’s colleague and work for Gilbert Brown,” Linda told the couple.

“What do you want from us?” Jackson questioned.

“Actually, I want to help you.”

Jackson looked at his wife and she nodded her head in reluctance. Jackson again looked at Linda and said, “Alright, come in.”

Next minute, the three of them were seated in the lounge.

“Your brother is very close to Gilbert. And the closer he is to him, the greater he is a danger to our city,” Linda told Jackson.

“I don’t know, but what can I do in this matter?” Jackson said covering his face with his hands. “I tried to talk to him but he doesn’t listen to me.”

“You cannot convince him. He is determined to earn money and he has traded his soul for it.”

“Oh God!” Jackson worryingly exclaimed.

“I want you guys to help me get him arrested.”

“What?” Diane spoke getting surprised.

“I am willing to surrender to cops,” she lied. “I can’t carry anymore burden on my conscience. I have done enough crimes and I want to turn myself in. But at the same time, I want Justin behind the bars too. He is a bigger criminal and a larger threat to our city.”

“I’m sorry we can’t help you with that,” Jackson told Linda.

“Why can’t you?”

“I just can’t. He is my brother.”

“Oh… and what about the families that have been destroyed because of him?”

“I can’t help that,” Jackson answered. “Do what you like. Get him arrested or whatever, I won’t stop you.”

“It’s not that easy,” Linda said. “He is too smart for that. I need your support and cooperation in this.”

Jackson remained silent not knowing what to say.

“Honey,” Diane said putting her hand over Jackson’s shoulder. “I think we should help her. It’s for Justin’s own good.”

“I do not trust her,” Jackson responded to his wife, loud and clear.

He stood up to walk away.

“Don’t go,” Linda stopped him. “I’m leaving.”

Before she stood up to leave, Linda handed over her card to Jackson saying, “Call me if you change your mind.”

Jackson took it the card but did not escort her to the door, for he didn’t really like Linda.


Days later at the police station, Detective Kennedy was furious. He wondered how he could get his hands on Gilbert’s business and bring an end to more than 50 per cent of New York’s crime.

A cop came by and told him, “Sir, Justin’s men are very rigid. They have revealed that they were led by Justin that day, but they are not willing to tell us the location of Gilbert’s office.”

“What about Justin’s house?” Kennedy asked.

“They’re saying that they are not aware of it. Nobody in their gang knew about it, probably.”

“You know, there’s a traitor in their gang. She informed us about that deal inside the mall, the other day. So this woman, I suppose, can tell us about Gilbert’s whereabouts or Justin’s house.”

“How do we trace her? She obviously didn’t call us through her own number.”

“Well, just try that number,” the detective suggested. “In the meantime, I’ll figure something else out.”


Gilbert and Justin were sitting alone in the room. Gilbert was in a good mood. Seeing this as an opportunity, Justin said, “Whom do you suspect?”

“I beg your pardon, what did you just say?”

“Who is the traitor in our gang according to you?”

“Can’t say… in an organised crime like this, anyone can be a traitor.”

Justin chuckled and said, “You call this an organised crime?”

“What else would you call it?” Gilbert asked in an annoying tone.

“This is not how an organised crime works, the way we do. But I do know how to make it an organised one.”

“Really? What would you have to do to make it organised?”

“Not just me, we all will have to work together for it. We need stronger teamwork. Better quality equipment and we need to hire more men in order to improve our performance.”

Gilbert was impressed by Justin’s words but didn’t make it obvious and said, “Go on, what else?”

“We need to get along with the public.”


“If we can be in the public’s good eyes then we can get their support. And that is the greatest security; especially, from the cops.”

“Oh come on, why on earth would public support criminals like us?”

“No, not us as criminals. But as good people. In public we would be social workers who’d help people for free. But behind their backs, we would be worse than what we actually are.”

“I like the idea,” Gilbert replied after a brief thought. “But how? I mean, have you thought of anything that we can do?”

“I have, we can do a lot in few months. But first, I want that traitor out of our gang.”

“Yes, we need to find him out. It can be more than one. Tell you what, the moment you find him, bring him to me. And then I’ll set him up as an example.”

“What are you planning to do with him exactly?”

“I’m going to make him suffer. I will torment him and he’ll wish to die but I’m going to…”

“But what if that he...” Justin interrupted and said, “... is actually a she.”

“A she?” he repeated after him.

“You know what I mean.”

“No, I don’t think so. Women in our gang are sharp minded but not very courageous.”

“To betray criminals like us, sharp minds are required. Do you get it?”

Considering his point, Gilbert realised that Justin was right.


Linda was driving her car and seemed quite angry about something. She got distracted as her cell phone started ringing. The call was from an unknown number, which she answered.

“Hello?” Linda spoke.

“Hello, Miss Linda,” Someone spoke from the other line. “It’s me Jackson.”

“Oh, hi Mr. Jackson,” she exclaimed in delight. “How are you?”

“Ma’am, can you come to my place tonight? We need to talk about Justin.”

“Sure, definitely.”

“Alright then, I’ll see you at nine o’clock,” said Jackson.

“Sure, bye.”

Linda disconnected the call and stopped her car at the roadside.

Now that I have this chance, I must use Jackson properly and get Justin out of our gang for good. She said to herself.


Later that night, Jackson and Diane were waiting for Linda to arrive. Diane answered the doorbell and as expected, found Linda at her doorstep. Diane led her towards their guest room where Jackson was seated.

“Come, sit,” Jackson said inviting Linda to sit.

Linda sat on the couch across him.

“I have two questions regarding Justin’s arrest.”

“Okay. Go on, ask.”

“What guarantee do you have that Justin won’t die and won’t get harmed by the police?”

“If he would cooperate and won’t do any tricks to fool them then the police won’t harm him, simple.”

“So, why would he cooperate? I mean, we know that he is so attached to those criminals and he won’t give up that gang regardless of anything he gets.”

“We won’t talk to him or ask him to negotiate. He needs to be tricked. The cops should come out of nowhere to arrest him.”

“How will that happen?” Jackson asked. “Do you have a plan?”

“I have, indeed.”

Jackson didn’t say anything but trusted her.

“And what was the other thing you wanted to ask?” she asked Jackson.

“Uh… well, I was just hoping if there is any other way to get Justin out of Gilbert’s gang?”

“He is Gilbert’s favourite. Gilbert won’t let him leave this gang under any condition. And secondly, even if he does leave that gang, it won’t be so long before he’d join another one.”

“That’s true,” Jackson agreed with Linda.

“But I have a bitter truth to tell you,” she said, as if trying to fake her concern, “Even though I didn’t come here to tell you this but I feel that you must know.”

“What? Tell me.”

Even Diane paid attention to her.

“Your brother…” Linda started lying, “is planning to use you. He’s planning to use your face in order to save himself from the cops.”

“Wait… what?” Jackson was in shock after listening to this.

“Yes, that’s what he said to me. He would use your face and is planning to have you killed by the cops to make them believe that they have murdered Justin. In this way, he can get away from being labelled as the most wanted.”

“Oh my God!” Diane exclaimed.

Jackson looked at his wife with grief.

“Alright then, what can I do to have him arrested?” he furiously asked Linda.

“Good. Now after two days, the entire gang will be in the same room of this one building. All you have to do is call the cops anonymously and inform them about the location”

“Hold on, that’s it? That’s all you want me to do? This is something you can do by yourself. Why are you asking me to do this?” Jackson asked surprisingly.

“This is not all. After that I want you to provide shelter to Justin under your in your house because he trusts you.”

“Wait, I’m confused. Won’t he be there when the cops would come and arrest them?”

“He would be but I’m confident that he will escape. And after escaping he’ll need a place to hide. So at that moment, you’ll call him and give him a place to hide.”

“And then the cops will come and arrest him here?”


“And what about you?” he asked suspiciously.

“What about me?”

“Aren’t you going to get yourself arrested as well?”

“Definitely,” she lied and tried avoiding eye contact. “I am, I am.”

“Fine. Just leave me a text message that day and I’ll call the cops.”

“Good,” she said handing over a piece of paper to Jackson. “This is the address of that building and the room number.”

Jackson took it and Linda prepared to leave.