Mahira’s Viral Smoke A Laid-back Review

Yes, that viral sutta! But, would it be current if I delve on a fortnight-old news? Probably not. I’ll just have some late comments. Everything has been said, and dare I say most of it was in horrid taste.

Well, the sensitive girl isn’t well. She is suffering from tension due to the toofan of comments on the net. She should get a hold of herself, as stars do face such storms. But, the problem was that people were undecided as to what they disliked more: her smoking picture or her backless dress. I think opinions on the net mostly suffer from grisly grouse and secret sorrow. Of course, if Ranbir and Mahira were starring in a film, half of the news items would be taken up by the inquiry into it. Sadly, in the absence of such a film, the whole thing got concentrated on poor Mahira. Now, the problem of these news items or viral pix is that nobody mentions if she’s a chain smoker or not; once in a while tou chalta hai. Nobody mentioned she was enjoying herself or making exaggerated rings of smoke! Some dear old soul even suggested Mahira and Ranbir were doing a make-believe for a film scene… but, naheen, this couldn’t be confirmed till our going to press. As for that backless… well, she wasn’t wearing it for a film, or a TV serial, or an ad – neither had she donned it for a celebrity party, so, chill, people! These days many people around us complain of suffering from tension and high anxiety. It soothes their nerves momentarily to indulge in a cigarette or coffee. Quite a few Indian film actresses are chain smokers. And new teenagers entering films in India have these habits. They should take care. No nico-teen! Verna…! That’s Mahira’s new film by Shoaib Mansoor, by the way.