Letters To The Editor

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. – Barack Obama

Curbing plastics

Many countries have already embarked on the go-green bandwagon banning the use of plastic. Pakistan still remains aloof from this initiative as it has more pressing issues to deal with. While the government fails to take and execute strategies to limit the use of plastic bags, we as individuals can still land a positive go-green impact on the environment. It all starts from a single individual to curb their daily use of plastic bags and related products, resorting to eco-friendly items like cloth bags for routine tasks. Another effective solution is switching to the use of biodegradable bags, an eco-friendly alternate and are capable of being decomposed by bacteria or other living organisms. Many countries around the world have already adapted to this change and small industries too have sprout up in Pakistan. The use of biodegradable products should be promoted countrywide in order to achieve a greener nation.

Ahmed Saleem,

Lost art of sewing and handcrafts

At present, children are encouraged to peruse more technical skills like graphic designing and photography, and even musical and writing skills and no heed is paid to the craft of sewing. While I admit that it is the need of the time to acquire technical skills, the art of handicrafts and their acclaim are dying a slow, exhaustive death. As a child, I was taught by my elders to sew, knit and embroider, which is an art in itself. What many do not realise is that the art of handicrafts go a long way in shaping one’s personality; it makes you more patient, fuels your creativity, hones precision and builds your ability to concentrate. It is also an integral part of our culture, which is another reason for salvaging its significance. Children should be coerced to pursue such arts, to replenish the art of handicrafts again.

Meena Bukhari,

Spirit of Sacrifice

As most of us are high on sacrificial spirits this Eid it is important to stay true to the core essence of it. The animals bought in for sacrifice have their rights too; apart from being well fed and taken care of, there are several other factors that one should be apprised of. It is advised not to sacrifice an animal in front of other because it may land psychological torture on the creatures. The knives for slaughter should also be sharp as to impose little possible pain during sacrifice. It may appear as a repetitive age-old sermon to most Pakistanis but in the light of recent incidents of brutal animal cruelty, one must be extra cautious in inflicting no unneeded harm on the animals.

Maria Shahid,

Sealing illegal food 'factories'

It’s high time the Health Ministry of Pakistan and the local authority take notice of illegal factories manufacturing toxic eatables in the name of pickles, jams and sauces. In the span of a year, hundreds of such factories have mushroomed across the country with their toxic or unhygienic food products making it to the local markets. The place where these products are made, the method and the ingredients used sway far, far away from the standard measures of quality control. While authorities did follow critical sweep of such illegal businesses last year, another rigid checking is the need of the hour.

Sara Anjum,