1. What are the absolute healthiest foods that you recommend eating daily?

Spinach, carrots and yogurt.

2. Low-fat vs. low-carb diet for weight loss – what would you recommend?

They both work for weight loss, however, I am not a fan of either because the human body needs both carbs and fats for its many essential functions. My favourite diet is the Mediterranean diet. It's balanced and helps to ensure the right amounts of carbs, protein, fats, health-promoting micronutrients and antioxidants. For weight loss, portion control and eating a balanced diet is my recommended approach.

3. What’s the one best piece of nutritional advice you can give?

Focus on fiber! It's essential to get enough fiber in the diet and most people fall short of the recommended daily fiber intake (25 grams for women and 35 grams for men). Fiber-rich foods include whole grains (e.g.,oats, barley, whole wheat), fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and legumes.

4. One food that I should absolutely avoid?

Soft drinks! Definitely cut these out of your diet. They are very high in sugar (16 teaspoons of sugar in just one can!) and contain many artificial chemicals. Soft drinks can also weaken bones and teeth.

5. Is red meat actually really bad for health?

The saturated fat content in red meat is quite high, which can contribute to high cholesterol levels. However, red meat is also a great source of iron and protein. Overall, red meat won't harm your health if it is consumed in moderation. Limiting red meat intake to two servings per week is recommended. One serving of red meat is 75 g. Note: these recommendations are for a healthy person. For certain medical conditions, red meat should be avoided.