Ushna Shah’s remarks to a pizza delivery guy has Twitter outraged

Outrageous Encounter

Talk about axing your own feet, particularly on the internet where there are scores of people ready to pounce on you. Ushna Shah alighted trouble upon herself with her sexist remarks to a pizza delivery guy who came to deliver pizza to the Cheekh actress at 2:30 a.m. Quiet ridiculously, she took the inicident to Twitter in a tweet which read, “‘Marrd banein, aap ek chaar saal ki bachi nahee hein”’, ‘“mardaangi peida karein”’– some of the sexist and demeaning things I said to my 2:30 am pizza delivery guy to convince him to bring pizza inside as I held my barking and growling Pitbull back." Twitter was quick to bash her on this ridiculous act. One such comment read; “Are you alright? You demeaned a person in the food service industry when they are already overworked and underpaid, shame on you.” People were also hoping for her to apologise to the pizza delivery guy. Ushna Shah is not your typical celebrity. She’s blunt and likes to speak her mind but she definitely could have chosen her words wisely to convey her message which was to point out the mind-set of our society that promotes gender roles and the fact that men in our society can’t stand someone questioning their masculinity was the idea behind her tactic to get the delivery guy to come inside to deliver the pizza. We just wish she had worded it out better.