Netflix hits cinemas

It's the first time the streaming giant – which has been accused of threatening the cinema experience - has taken a long-term lease to screen its films. Hollywood website Deadline said the deal was a 10-year lease agreement. Previously, Netflix has rented various cinemas for limited periods to ensure its films are eligible for awards. Its Oscar contender Marriage Story is now on at Paris, which dates from 1948. "Now, the iconic theatre will be kept open and become a home for special Netflix events, screenings, and theatrical releases," the company said on Twitter.

Alexa’s voice gets more emotions

You might hear a little more emotion from Alexa’s vaguely-robotic voice some time soon, as Amazon announced that developers can now have Alexa respond to questions from U.S. users with a “happy/excited” or a “disappointed/ empathetic” tone. Amazon suggests the happy/excited tone could be used when you answer a trivia question correctly, for example, and that the disappointed/ empathetic tone could be used when you ask for a sports score and your favourite team has lost. This isn’t Amazon’s first new intonation for Alexa, as it launched a newscaster-like voice for US customers in January. In the recent blog, though, Amazon also announced that developers can use another new “topic-focused” voice designed to discuss music.