Until Dawn

For viewers into spooky stuff, it’s a good watch!
  • 25 Jan - 31 Jan, 2020
  • Mag The Weekly

We’d never spend any time in a haunted house or hospital or monastery or anywhere else, so we admire the gumption of those who are willing to spend the night in a spooky place just for the hell of it. The series Until Dawn takes this to a new level, putting the country’s best comedians to test and encouraging them to prank each other. Three French comedians – Omella Fleury, Alban Ivonov and Ahmed Sylla walk through the woods of the Jura Mountains towards the spooky-looking Val Monastery. They spend from midnight until dawn (around 6 AM) in a place that’s rumoured to be haunted. We’re talking about an abandoned monastery, hospital etc. They have flashlights, cameras and other equipment. They settle into a lighted ‘safe room’ that contains monitors with views from every room in the building, radios that they can use to communicate with each other, and all manner of other tools. Each of them is given a task to complete, with the other two guiding them from the room. At the end, the biggest scared cat is picked, and he/she will get a punishment. Then, all three of them have to get the key to exit from the cellar and the key is guarded by a real life wolf. Until Dawn feels like it could have been a good idea. After all, we’ve seen haunted shows where people walk through night vision cameras, looking for paranormal activity. Having comedians do that could made it funnier but it was a good effort.