Anyone who has ever had problematic wisdom teeth knows how painful they can be. Before you are able to work with an oral surgeon to have them extracted, you may need some help relieving pain on your own at home. We’ve got five tips to help you find the relief you seek!

#1: Gargle with warm salt water

Far and away the best at-home remedy for any problem affecting your teeth and gums is rinsing your mouth out with warm salt water. Warm water soothes the area to ease pain, and the salt provides a natural cleanser to remove toxins.

#2: Apply an ice pack

Your cheeks may swell if you have infected wisdom teeth. To reduce the puffiness and take away some of the pain as well, try the tried and true ice pack remedy.

#3: Pick up some peppermint

Peppermint doesn’t just smell nice, it also provides soothing relief for aching wisdom teeth. You can use both fresh peppermint leaves and peppermint extract to enjoy its therapeutic effects. If you are using leaves, apply some directly to the tooth and leave on for about 20 minutes. For extract, apply it using a cotton ball.

#4: Try wheatgrass

Even if you hate the way it tastes, swishing some wheatgrass around your mouth will remove toxins that live inside the emerging third molar to help you find relief from wisdom tooth pain. Leave wheatgrass juice in your mouth for one to two minutes and then spit it out if you wish.

#5: Clove remedy

People have been using clove to treat tooth pain for centuries, so there must be something to it. Using a whole clove or just the oil will provide the same effect. Simply place the clove on the affected tooth and don’t remove it until the pain is gone. Otherwise, rub the clove oil on the tooth to kill toxins and relieve pain.