U.S. President Trump is the scariest celebrity face

  • 18 Nov - 24 Nov, 2017
  • Mag The Weekly
  • Mag Files

American President Donald Trump has been ranked number one in the list of the scariest celebrity faces. The list also includes Kim Jong-un, Theresa May and Marilyn Manson, who have the most terrifying appearance, as stated in a new study by a comic book company’s website that surveyed British parents and children to compile the list.

Children who took part in the survey believe that the U.S President would give them the biggest fright if they saw him on a dark night. A six-year-old kid, Jonathan McCarthy, took to the streets of London dressed as the 71-year-old to see if his outfit packed the scare factor.

He said, "My costume got quite a few laughs. Though one man said I shouldn't make jokes about American politics.”